Badger & Blade

Interactive Guide to DE Razor Shaving Printable version

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This page was created from "Jim's Interactive Guide to DE Razor Shaving".

Getting Started with a Safety Razor

Merkur HD and Derby Blades

  1. Why a DE Razor?
  2. DE VS Straight/Which one for me?
  3. Getting started? What do I need?
  4. Wiki FAQ
  5. Photo Analysis of Razor Designs
  6. Name of Safety Razor Parts

Selecting your gear

  1. DE Selection Guide
  2. Different types of DEs (TTO, 3 pieces, 2 pieces)
  3. Gillette Razors (Jerry ? DoubleE's post)
  4. New VS Vintage DEs
  5. Razor reviews
  6. New Double-Edged Safety Razors Ranked by Aggressiveness


  1. Different Safety Razor Blades?
  2. How long do DE blades last?
  3. Which Razor Blades are recommended?
  4. What do I do with used DE blades?
  5. Reviews
  6. DE Razor Sample pack or Blade Samplers
  7. What are those numbers on the blade?
  8. Handstropping


  1. Interactive Guide to Lathering

The DE Shave

  1. How to pre-shave prep
  2. 3 Pieces DE assembly
  3. How to hold the razor / Safety Razor Grips
  4. Safety Razor Parameters: Illustrated and Defined
  5. The importance of blade angle
  6. FAQs and Do's and Don'ts for Safety Razors
  7. Lather Tutorials
  8. Basic DE Shave
  9. The Four Pass shave
  10. Common Shaving Problems and Solutions
  11. Head shaving
  12. Leg shaving


  1. Sterilizing a DE razor
  2. Basic care/maintenance, Cleaning DEs
  3. Blade disposal
  4. How to repair a crack in an Old Type handle

Product resources

  1. Supporting Vendors
  2. Shopping by Country

See Also

  1. Interactive Guide to SE Razor Shaving
  2. Interactive Guide to Straight Razor Shaving
  3. Interactive Guide to the Shaving Brushes
  4. Interactive Guide to Lathering
  5. Interactive Guide to Aftershaves
  6. Interactive Guide to Fragrances
  7. Shaving Journals